SoCal Playing Cards Thursday Night Throwdown!!!
Henry Cortez
Ten Ways To NOT Get Scammed: Card Community Edition (By Guest Blogger Salomon Vainstein)
Henry Cortez

Getting scammed. Just that phrase alone should be enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand. Or, even worse, makes you recall a time where you have been a victim. No one likes getting scammed out of their hard-earned money. We all would love to believe that our community and its members are above such an act. But, as with any community, that element can exist. The good news is that there are steps to take to protect yourself. We are happy to present our next Guest Blogger, Salomon Vainstein. Salomon, better known on Instagram as...
So You Want To Open An Online Store? (PT 2 – Setting Up The Store)
Henry Cortez
The million-dollar question then was simple….How in the world do I open a store?
So You Want To Open An Online Store? (Pt. 1 - Before The Store)
Henry Cortez
So You Want To Get Decked Out? (By Guest Blogger Lou Tolentino)
Henry Cortez