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Dead Reckoning on Steroids by Unnamed Magician video and PDF
Unmasked Magician

Dead Reckoning on Steroids by Unnamed Magician video and PDF

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"A really powerful spell-to-your-card effect. The title says it all, it is Bannon's "DeadReckoning" except on steroids."
- Tommaso Guglielmi

"For a long time I've been performing "Dead Reckoning" by John Bannon. It's one of mygo-to effects in my repertoire. But that changed today. "Dead Reckoning: On Steroids"is a marvelous improvement on the original. It is unbelievably deceptive and impossibleto reverse engineer, and it replaces "Dead Reckoning" in my repertoire. ThanksUnnamed Magician for this splendid creation."
- Brian Draven

"The main effect is good but the first bonus effect is beyond good." - Deven Chodas"Wow, just wow! He's done it again. I just cannot believe how many quality effects theUnnamed Magician has put out and he keeps coming back with more and more. Thistrick is another amazing publication. It takes a classic trick that we all know about andgenuinely makes it better. Allowing the spectator to shuffle their pile after making aselection is a massive step forward."
- Tony Bianco

"Just incredible! At last someone has discovered the grail of this card plot..."
- RyanQuinton

"This is easily the best spelling trick I have ever seen. No question about it. I'm not onefor spelling tricks in general but I will definitely try this one on my audiences. The twobonus tricks are also super strong!"
- Peter Lee

Have you ever wanted to perform John Bannon's "Dead Reckoning" in a way where youcould actually allow the spectator to shuffle (not just cut) their pile in order to truly losetheir selected card? If so, then look no further. Dead Reckoning: On Steroids provides asolution to achieve just that. What once may have been a dream is now a reality. Readon. (There is a full performance video attached above as well.)

Imagine: The magician introduces a deck of cards and hands it over to the spectator.He then turns his back.

With his back turned, the magician instructs the spectator to give the deck as manycomplete cuts as they like in order to eliminate the possibility of any key cards. Then,he asks them to cut off about a third of the deck and to look at the bottom card of thecut-off portion as their selection (which is clearly a random card). The magician thenasks them to thoroughly shuffle the portion in order to lose their card. The spectatorcan even look through the portion in order to make sure their card is truly lost within it.

Next, the magician instructs the spectator to place the remainder of the deck on top oftheir portion, thereby burying it and reassembling the deck. Once the deck isreassembled, the magician turns back around and says, "I don't know what your card isor where it is in the deck. But I do know it's somewhere in the bottom third of the deck- though I don't know exactly whereas you shuffled your portion. But let's shuffle theentire deck as well so that your card could end up anywhere in the deck." The magiciantakes the deck and gives it a quick shuffle (without looking at the faces). He then handsthe deck back to the spectator.

The magician says, "You shuffled your portion to lose your card. I also just shuffled theentire deck. Your card could literally be anywhere in the deck now. Let's see if a miracleoccurred. Spell the following sentence 'My card is the [insert name of card]', dealingone card for every letter. Let's spell the 'My card is the' part of the sentence out loud."

The spectator deals one card face-up for every letter in the phrase 'My card is the'.After that, they deal one card face-up for every letter in the name of their selected card(this part they do mentally). The magician yells stop at some point, which coincidentallyhappens to be exactly at the point where the spectator concluded their mental count.The spectator then names their selected card for the first time and turns over the nextcard in the deck (from the point where the deal concluded) ... and it is the selectedcard. An inexplicable coincidence - they spelled to their own card!

Some important conditions of note:
  • The magician's back is turned during the entire selection and return procedure.He only turns back around after the deck is reassembled.
  • After selecting a card, the spectator thoroughly shuffles their portion in order tolose their card. They can even check the portion to make sure their card is trulylost within it.
  • At the end, when the spectator performs the spelling deal, they deal the cardsface-up.
  • There is no peek and there is no force - the magician has no clue what thespectator's card is.
  • Almost self-working - so very easy to perform.
Note: Using the same core method as the routine above, there are two bonus routinestaught as well. They are very different routines compared to the routine above - theroutine above is a spelling coincidence effect, whereas the bonus routines involve acompletely different kind of coincidence (they use two spectators and two decks toachieve a startling coincidence). So, there is plenty more taught beyond just theaforementioned spelling effect.

The main spelling effect is taught both in the form of video instructions and writteninstructions (PDF), whereas the bonus routines are only taught in the PDF.

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